
This section is split into three pages, containing detailed presentations on
Santa Croce and San Lorenzo, each with their own page, and a page on
Assorted Churches showing images of a number of churches including
Orsanmichele, Santa Maria Novella, San Miniato al Monte, San Marco
and other church exteriors I encountered while walking in Florence.

Click a display composite below to select a page.


Images in this section are in a number of different Galleries on the Photoshelter website.
The Banner below leads to the Florence Collections page where a Gallery can be selected.

Direct Links to Galleries with images in this Section:

Florentine Churches: Santa Croce
Florentine Churches: San Lorenzo
Art and Sculpture of Florence
More Florentine Churches

There are a number of images in this section that are not yet on the Photoshelter site.
If an image you want is not yet uploaded, contact Ron Reznick (info at bottom of page).


There are 11 Galleries in the Photoshelter Florence Collection


Built in 1294 by Arnolfo di Cambio, Santa Croce is the main Franciscan church in Florence.
It is the largest Franciscan church in the world, and it is famous for artwork and monuments
 in the nave and its 16 chapels, which are decorated with frescoes by Giotto, Taddeo Gaddi,
Giovanni da Milano and several other prominent pre-Renaissance and Renaissance artists.


One of the largest churches in Florence, the Basilica of San Lorenzo was the parish
church of the Medici family, and many of the major family members are buried in the Basilica.
Brunelleschi’s structure is considered to be a milestone in Renaissance architecture, and
houses sculpture and architectural works by Donatello many other Renaissance artists.


While I was in Florence, I did a lot of walking around. While on my excursions from here to there,
I often encountered a facade of note or a statue worth shooting. On this page, I have placed
images of the exteriors of some churches that I encountered while walking about the city.

This page includes a detailed analysis of the most important Renaissance facade in Europe,
(Santa Maria Novella), plus interiors of San Marco, Orsanmichele sculptures, San Miniato al Monte,
and exteriors taken of the unusual Russian Orthodox Church and the Baroque church of San Gaetano..


Images in this section are in a number of different Galleries on the Photoshelter website.
The Banner below leads to the Florence Collections page where a Gallery can be selected.

Direct Links to Galleries with images in this Section:

Florentine Churches: Santa Croce
Florentine Churches: San Lorenzo
Art and Sculpture of Florence
More Florentine Churches

There are a number of images in this section that are not yet on the Photoshelter site.
If an image you want is not yet uploaded, contact Ron Reznick (info at bottom of page).


There are 11 Galleries in the Photoshelter Florence Collection


Return to the Master Index on the Florence Select page


Click the display composite above to return to the Master Index on the Florence Select page
