The Ducks section contains this Overview and five pages which house 267 images representing 20 species of Ducks and Teals, compiled from many thousands of images which were taken over a several year period at wildlife refuges in California, New Mexico, Alaska, British Columbia and Japan.
This Overview contains sample images and linked Display Composites from each of the five section pages.
This section is in the process of completion. To make images available while writing the captions and other material, it has been temporarily uploaded with images only.
Click an image to open a larger version. Use your back button to return to this page.
Mallards and Pekin Ducks
Mandarins and Wood Ducks
Northern Shovelers and Ruddy Ducks
Assorted Ducks 1: Merganser, Pintail, Muscovy, Pochard, Whistling Ducks
Assorted Ducks 2: Bufflehead, Ring-Necked, Redhead, Scaup 3 types of Teals, Tufted Ducks and Widgeons
Images in this section are in a number of different Galleries on the Photoshelter website. The Banner below leads to the Ducks Collection page where a Gallery can be selected.
Direct Links:
Pintails, Teals & Ruddy Ducks Mandarins & Wood Ducks Mallard & Muscovy Assorted Ducks
Mating Flight 1515 M
This M-sized portrait image of Mallards in Flight over the LA River is 1200 x 1590 pixels.
All of the landscape (horizontal) large version images linked from the thumbnails are 1500 pixels wide. Portrait (vertical) images are 1200 pixels tall (1290 pixels with title bar). Images designated with an “M” in the shot number are 5:4 aspect ratio, 1500 x 1290 with a title bar, or 1500 x 1200 without a title bar.
Mallard 4922 M
Mallard Portrait 8756
Mallard Female and Ducklings 6955
Mallard Duckling Peekaboo 1033
Marching Mallard Ducklings 1055 16x9
Click the Display Composite above to visit the Mallards page.
Images in this section are in a number of different Galleries on the Photoshelter website. The Banner below leads to the Ducks Collection page where a Gallery can be selected.
Direct Links:
Pintails, Teals & Ruddy Ducks Mandarins & Wood Ducks Mallard & Muscovy Assorted Ducks
Mandarin Confusion HS5483c
Mandarin Duck HS2267
Mandarin Duck X7933
Wood Duck 0269
Wood Duck Non-Breeding Male HS5911
Wood Duck 4436
Click the Display Composite above to visit the Mandarin and Wood Ducks page.
Images in this section are in a number of different Galleries on the Photoshelter website. The Banner below leads to the Ducks Collection page where a Gallery can be selected.
Direct Links:
Pintails, Teals & Ruddy Ducks Mandarins & Wood Ducks Mallard & Muscovy Assorted Ducks
Northern Shoveler 5887c
Northern Shoveler Female 1939
Northern Shovelers 1754 16x9
Ruddy Duck HS0279
Ruddy Duck Juveniles Landing X0940
Ruddy Duck Display X0213 16x9
Click the Display Composite above to visit the Northern Shovelers and Ruddy Ducks page.
Images in this section are in a number of different Galleries on the Photoshelter website. The Banner below leads to the Ducks Collection page where a Gallery can be selected.
Direct Links:
Pintails, Teals & Ruddy Ducks Mandarins & Wood Ducks Mallard & Muscovy Assorted Ducks
Mergansers X3261 16x9
Muscovy Duck Female 6170
Muscovy Duckling 6119 M
Pintails 2573
Red-Crested Pochard HS2453
Red-Crested Pochards X5763
White-Faced Whistling Duck X5772
Click the Display Composite above to visit the Assorted Ducks 1 page.
Images in this section are in a number of different Galleries on the Photoshelter website. The Banner below leads to the Ducks Collection page where a Gallery can be selected.
Direct Links:
Pintails, Teals & Ruddy Ducks Mandarins & Wood Ducks Mallard & Muscovy Assorted Ducks
Buffleheads 3366
Cinnamon Teals 4350
Green-Winged Teal 4143 M
Ring-Necked Duck 8925
Lesser Scaup X0124
Redhead Ueno Park 7465
Tufted Ducks Sankeien 7901
Tufted Ducks Sankeien 7926
Widgeon 1046
Click the Display Composite above to visit the Assorted Ducks 2 page.
Images in this section are in a number of different Galleries on the Photoshelter website. The Banner below leads to the Ducks Collection page where a Gallery can be selected.
Direct Links:
Pintails, Teals & Ruddy Ducks Mandarins & Wood Ducks Mallard & Muscovy Assorted Ducks