The Scenery Section has seven pages housing images from the Capitoline and Palatine Hills, Ancient Scenery other than in the Forums and Colosseum (found in the Forum Area Section), a very detailed page on the Pantheon, the monumental Baths of Caracalla, a page on the Fountains and Bridges of Rome (including a very detailed look at the Trevi Fountain), and Assorted Scenery, with panoramas from the Aventine and Janiculum Hills, images of (and views from) the Monument to Victor Emmanuel II, some shots of the Spanish Steps (the widest staircase in Europe), and images taken during walks around the Eternal City of Rome.
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Images in this section are in a number of different Galleries on the Photoshelter website. The Banner below leads to the Rome Collections page where a Gallery can be selected.
There are 18 Galleries in the Photoshelter Rome Collection
Direct Links to Galleries with images in the Roman Scenery Section:
Capitoline and Palatine Hills The Pantheon Assorted Ancient Architecture Bridges, Fountains and Street Scenes Rome: Scenic Views
The Capitoline Hill overlooks the Roman Forum and was the site of the Temple of Jupiter, completed by Rome’s last King and dedicated in 509 BC. The name comes from a human skull (Caput) found when digging the Temple foundations. The English word Capitol derives from the Capitoline Hill. Michelangelo’s Piazza del Campidoglio dominates the Hill today. The Capitoline has been the religious and political center of Rome since its founding.
The Palatine Hill overlooks the Forum Romanum and is the site of the palace ruins of the Emperors. The English word Palace and its equivalent in many other languages comes from the name of the Palatine Hill. The Palatine was the site of the first Roman settlement, and in the Republican period it was the site of the most prestigious houses before the Palaces were built.
The Pantheon is one of the best preserved of the ancient buildings in Rome. Boasting the world’s largest unreinforced concrete dome with a 30 foot oculus, the Pantheon was the inspiration for Brunelleschi’s groundbreaking Renaissance dome in Florence, the Bramante design for St. Peter’s Basilica, the Pantheons in Paris and London, the US Capitol and Jefferson Memorial in Washington, and numerous other buildings over the centuries. The Pantheon has been called the most influential building in Western European architecture.
This page contains images of ancient architecture and scenery from walks around Rome, including both day and night shots of Castel sant’Angelo, detailed images of the temples of the Sacred Area of Largo Argentina, the Pyramid of Cestius, and three of the ancient Obelisks of Rome.
The Baths of Caracalla was a public bath complex dedicated in 216 AD. Originally designed by Septimius Severus (Caracalla’s father), Caracalla completed the project, creating the most monumentally imposing complex of the Imperial Roman period.
For more than 2000 years, fountains have provided water and decoration to Roman piazzas. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the Popes began installing monumental Baroque fountains after reconstructing the Roman aqueducts, and decorated them with sculptures expressing the Baroque style. This page focuses primarily on the Trevi Fountain, the largest and most spectacular of the Baroque fountains of Rome, but I have also included a few others encountered during walks around the city, along with images of famous bridges, which fit here as water is involved.
The Assorted Scenery page contains a scenic potpourri including the Monument to Victor Emmanuel II, first King of a Unified Italy and views from the monument, the Spanish Steps (longest and widest staircase in Europe), panoramic views of Rome from the Aventine Hill, and a few interesting images from my walks around the Eternal City.
Images in this section are in a number of different Galleries on the Photoshelter website. The Banner below leads to the Rome Collections page where a Gallery can be selected.
There are 18 Galleries in the Photoshelter Rome Collection
Direct Links to Galleries with images in the Roman Scenery Section:
Capitoline and Palatine Hills The Pantheon Assorted Ancient Architecture Bridges, Fountains and Street Scenes Rome: Scenic Views
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